The Application

Application Procedures

Please carefully review all information below in order to follow instructions for submitting your grant application/request to the Foundation. Please also review the Grant Guidelines and Funding Priorities on the website.

The process to apply for possible funding is a two-stage process. The first stage is to submit an application for funding (link and details on the substance of the application are below). This stage is open to any organization that wishes to submit an application for review and consideration. All applications are all reviewed and evaluated and then the applications that move forward to the second stage will be invited to submit additional information (detailed below) as well as a site visit and/or conversation.

The Foundation uses an online grants platform and does not accept any requests via email or regular mail. The link to the grants platform, grant application, and other important information is below.

To review the requirements and narrative questions on the application, please scroll down**. Note that all parts of the application need to be submitted in PDF format.

Grant applications/requests are accepted only during the following times and according to the primary focus area of the grant request. (If the deadline for any of the grant cycle falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline to submit will be the Monday following the deadline.)

August 1 – September 15

November 1 – December 15

April 15 – May 31

The opportunity to submit the application/request is only available during the dates stated above and must be submitted by 5:00 pm on the last day. Each organization may submit only one request for any given grantmaking year. For example, an organization may not submit a request during the Education cycle and again for the Human Services cycle.

Current grantees are eligible to apply for renewed funding each year according to the above cycles.

Receipt of all requests will be acknowledged via email within 2 weeks to the primary contact person indicated for the request. If an email is not received within 2 weeks of submitting a request, please contact the Foundation office using the Contact page on our website.

Each applicant will be notified regarding the status of their request within one to three months after it is received.

If you have never used the Foundation’s grants platform, whether a past/current grantee or new to the Foundation, you need to create an account in order to access the request form. When you click on the first link to create a new request, under the Email box is a link to “New Applicant”. Click on that link to create your account (please note down your password) and then you will be connected to the application/request form.

If you have already created an account on the platform, simply click on the first link and log in using the email and password used to create the account.



If you are creating a new application/request, the following is the information for what you will need to submit. There will be a brief fill-in portion and to complete the request, you will need to upload the information detailed below (and described in the grants platform as well). Parts A & B should be a single document. Part C, 1-3, should be separate documents.


Stage One


1. Mission: Please state the organization’s mission.
2. Vision Statement: Please state the organization’s vision statement.
3. Programs: Please list each of your programs, starting with the program/project you are applying for (if applicable), with one-sentence description of each program. (You may use numbered or bulleted format.)

1. Program detail:A. If you are applying for support of a specific program or project, please provide a detailed description of the program/project including implementation. (For example, year-round, summer, three days per week, 2 hours each day, is there a set curriculum, how do individuals or families connect into the program (outreach), etc.) If you provide programs/services in partnership with schools, please include a separate page with a list of the schools. (Limit 350 words, not including list of schools)


B. If you are applying for General Operating/Unrestricted support, how will funding from the Foundation help the organization achieve its mission. (For example, meeting goals and objectives, sustaining operations, big or new projects, program expansion, capital campaign, capacity-building, infrastructure, etc.) (Limit 350 words)

2. Geographic area(s): Please name the communities this program (or for general operating support, the organization, serves. Please be specific in identifying those communities/neighborhoods. (You may use a numbered or bulleted format.)

3. Community demographics: Please provide a description of the demographics of the population and community you serve. This information may come from the organization’s formal or informal data or other resources such as LAUSD, US Census, and may include, but is not limited to, age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, educational attainment, income, etc. (Limit 100 words)

4. Organizational diversity: How does your leadership, staff, board, and/or volunteers reflect the community you serve? This may be anecdotal and/or specific. (Limit 200 words)

5. Partnerships/Collaboratives/Advocacy: Please describe any formal and/or informal partnerships you have with other nonprofits or public agencies and/or collaboratives you participate in. Also describe any advocacy work (if applicable) to advance the issues you are addressing through your programs and services, and that help bring about lasting change for the people and the communities you serve. (Limit 200 words)

6. Impact: Please share one or two stories that demonstrate the impact of your work. (Limit 300 words)

7. Data: How does your organization use data to improve your work? Please give an example. (Limit 250 words)

8. Photos: Please include one page of photographs that may include, but not limited to, programs in action, your facility or other places that you deliver programs, leadership and/or staff. (Limit 1 page)


1. Organizational Budget: Please submit a detailed operating budget for your current fiscal year. (Budgets should reflect both revenue and expenses for the organization. Revenue should be itemized by type of support, e.g., Government, Foundation, Individual, Corporate, Special events, Earned Income, etc.)

2. Project Budget: Please submit a detailed program/project budget (if applicable) for the current fiscal year. (This should reflect the budget for the whole program/project, not just the budget for requested funding. You may also include a separate column to show how the Foundation's funding would be used, but it is not required.)

3. Salary Information: Please submit a list of the Top 5 paid staff for the organization. Please include name, title, and total salary (including benefits). If you are an affiliate or local chapter of a national organization, please include a list for both local and national.

Stage Two (by invitation)

Organizations selected to move onto Stage 2 of the Foundation’s process, will be asked to submit the following (also in PDF format) and will be provided more detail:

1. Board of Directors with affiliations: A roster of the Board of Directors, including affiliations. Please also include a line item with the whole Board’s TOTAL amount (not individually) of giving for your last completed fiscal year.

2. Funding Sources: List of foundation and corporate support, including grant amounts, for your current and most recently completed fiscal year. If this request is for a specific program/project, please include a separate list of secured funding sources and grant amounts for the program/project.

3. Balance Sheet: A balance sheet (Statement of Financial Position/Assets & Liabilities) for the organization’s most recently completed quarter.

4. Audited Financials: The organization’s most recently completed audited financial statements. If your organization does not conduct an audit, please upload a Profit & Loss statement (Income & Expenses) for the organization’s most recently completed quarter.

5. 990: The organization’s most recently completed 990.

The Foundation holds three grantmaking meetings each year: in March (Education), June (Human Services), and November (Health). All final funding decisions are made at those meetings.